Référent EMR
M. Vincent PERRIER CEO Téléphone : 02 28 29 90 53 06 24 28 08 85 Email : vincent.perrier@nextflow-software.com Linkedin de M. Vincent PERRIER- Anglais
- Français
Nextflow Software is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) startup created in 2015 and headquartered in Nantes, France. Nextflow develops and sells advanced Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Its software solutions address industrial companies developing and manufacturing mechanical systems or equipment involving fluid flows, potentially with complex geometries and interactions with solids (e.g. moving parts, deformations), in the field of Automotive, Aerospace, Marine, and other industries. Nextflow is a spin-off from public research labs from Ecole Centrale Nantes (ECN). Thanks to its talented team of experienced doctors and engineers, based on more than 10 years of close partnership with leading academic research laboratories from ECN and other universities, Nextflow Software is pushing the limits of hydrodynamics simulation.
Simulation numérique
Simulations numériques en hydrodynamique
- Énergie éolienne flottante
- Énergie houlomotrice
- Énergie hydrolienne
Développement de projet de parcs
- Études, Ingénierie
- Autres études préalables
- Études, Ingénierie
Energie hydrolienne
- Développement de projet de parcs
Energie houlomotrice
- Développement de projet de parcs
Autres technologies
- Développement de projet de parcs
Solutions logicielles de simulation numérique appliquée à la mécanique des fluides